Turkey Expert

  • Gran oportunidad de encontrarse en una experiencia exótica y tradicional.
  • Todo el espectáculo contará con bailes tradicionales de las 7 regiones diferentes de Turquía, así como un espectáculo de danza del vientre oriental.
  • Disfrute de su cena cocinada con ingredientes cuidadosamente seleccionados por los maestros chefs de la cocina turca, viva la armonía de los sabores únicos de Anatolia.
¡Gran oportunidad de encontrarse en una experiencia exótica y tradicional! Toda la actuación contará con bailes tradicionales de las 7 regiones diferentes de Turquía, así como un espectáculo de danza del vientre oriental. Disfrutarás de esta increíble experiencia mientras disfrutas de tu más rica y deliciosa cena. Los bailarines, incluidos los novios, entran en la pista de baile y actúan de la manera tradicional en que una pareja se casa en Turquía. La novia está vestida con un hermoso vestido rojo y baila en el medio y el novio se acerca y presenta un espectáculo diferente para ella. Primero muestra lo guapo que es, luego lo fuerte que es y finalmente lo rico que es. Después de rechazar uno a uno todos estos espectáculos, la novia acepta casarse cuando el novio le dice que su corazón late por ella. Mientras comienzan su baile nupcial, todos los invitados están invitados a bailar con ellos.
Después de varios bailes folclóricos de diferentes partes de Turquía, llega el punto culminante de la noche: ¡la danza del vientre! Ella realiza su impresionante baile y luego recorre todas las mesas para tomar a un hombre/mujer de cada una. Todos se lo pasan en grande mientras aprenden los secretos de la danza del vientre, con algunos movimientos básicos. En el caso de que haya algún cónyuge presente, asegúrese de que no haya objetos afilados alrededor, ¡antes de que la bailarina de danza del vientre comience su entrenamiento!
Después de algunos otros bailes y espectáculos como la danza del fuego, la danza caucásica con cuchillos y el espectáculo de tambores, la noche termina alrededor de las 23:30 h. Al final del recorrido, lo llevaremos de regreso a su hotel.


Servicios incluidos:
  • Todos los espectáculos mencionados en el itinerario.
  • Cena
  • Bebidas (refrescos y bebidas alcohólicas)


Servicios Excluidos:
  • Comidas y bebidas distintas a las indicadas
  • Propinas a los camareros y bailarines (opcional)
  • Gastos personales
  • Transporte


Bueno saber:
  • No se proporciona transferencia para el servicio. Los clientes deben estar listos en el restaurante Halayhan a las 20:00.
  • El Show dura aproximadamente 2 horas.
  • Por favor, lleve su cámara con usted.



43 + DAYS


42 - 29 DAYS


28 - 14 DAYS


13 - 0 DAYS


Amendments & Cancellations by You

  • You can cancel at any time cancellation fees apply as follows. The cancellation will be effective as at the time that we receive a written request from you or your Agent. The following cancellation charges will apply:
  • After your booking has been confirmed proposed amendments must be provided to us in writing by 'the Lead Client' and will incur an administration fee of equivalent to EUR 50.00 except for the first change that will incur no fee or as otherwise agreed. No requested change can be guaranteed.
  • If any number of your party is prevented from travelling because of death, injury or serious illness of the client, close relative or friend, redundancy or jury service, it may be possible to transfer the booking to another suitable person or departure date or tour of similar standard and cost provided that written notice is confirmed by 
  • If a refund is payable to you either because of an amendment or cancellation, the refund amount will be calculated according to these conditions and with consideration of evidence of exceptional circumstances. All bank fees incurred for processing/transferring the credited amount to the client will be the responsibility of the client.
  • No refund is given for a partially used Product.
  • No refund is available on bookings that received a discount due to a special offer or promotion.

Information and Pricing Policy

  • Before a booking is confirmed, we reserve the right to amend brochure prices due to any circumstances outside our control, such as but not limited to changes relating to governmental action, increases in transportation costs (including schedule airfares and the cost of fuel) changes in any dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services (including landing taxes or embarkation/disembarkation fees at airports), increases in admission fees and exchange rates.
  • Bank transfers are accepted as the full amount payable as published. We can only accept credit card payments in Turkish Lira (TRY). The full amount payable in Turkish Lira is calculated by taking the daily buying exchange rate on the date of sale multiplied by the full amount published and payable. The daily exchange rate can be found at www.tcmb.gov.tr. Your bank will use their exchange rate when charging your credit card for the amount of Turkish Lira that was withdrawn by us. We accept no responsibility for variations in the final transaction amount due to foreign currency and other fees and exchange rates used by banking institutions.
  • Any reduced prices or discounts that become available after you have paid your deposit will not apply to you. If you wish to cancel your booking to take advantage of a cheaper price, normal cancellation conditions will apply.

Tour Inclusions and Exclusions

  • The price of your tour includes all accommodation, transport and sightseeing as listed in the inclusions section of your itinerary. Your tour price excludes any item not mentioned in the inclusions section of your itinerary. This includes, but is not limited to: air travel unless mentioned within the inclusions of the tour; airport arrival/departure taxes, visas, personal insurance, personal items such as, but not limited to, extra beverages at meals, food or snacks at times other than your meal included on the itinerary, laundry, telephone, fax or Internet/E-mail access charges, film, fees for taking photographs or videos in certain locations, fees for changing money, medical expenses, excess baggage fees, customs duties, shopping and tips or gratuities. In short if it's not mentioned in the inclusions section of the itinerary then its not included.

Travel Documentation

  • It is your responsibility to be in possession of a valid passport, visa permits, vaccinations, preventative medicines and other medical certificates and all necessary travel documents.
  • We are not liable for damages arising from changes in regulations or laws to the necessary travel document requirements. We provide information about these matters in good faith, however without liability.
  • We are not responsible if you are refused entry to a country because you lack the correct passport, visa or other documentation.
  • In the case of lost or stolen documents, while we are happy to assist in any way possible, we cannot be held responsible for any additional costs and you are not entitled to any reimbursement or compensation of paid travel expenses.

Travel Insurance

  • Under Turkish Law, adequate insurance is mandatory for all Clients to cover at least but not limited to personal accident, death, medical and repatriation expenses, loss of luggage and cancellation or curtailment of a Product and should not exclude any planned adventure activities from the time of booking for the full duration of the Product as a minimum. A Client and their personal belongings are the sole responsibility of the Client. ElitDMC accepts no liability on the Client's behalf where  has provided a Product of reasonable standard. You are fully responsible for arranging your own insurance. You will be asked to provide proof of your travel insurance on Day 1 of your tour. You will not be able to join the tour without it.

Health, Safety and Conduct

  • Prior to booking, all Clients are expected to satisfy themselves that they are fit and able to complete the itinerary of their chosen tour as described in the brochure. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or illness you must declare the true nature of such conditions at the time of booking, and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment which may be required during the tour. Such a client is required to provide a medical statement from a General Practitioner to confirm they are fit to travel. Failure to make any such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and relieve ElitDMC from any obligations and liability.
  • While we are happy to take special meal requests, we cannot be held responsible if they are not provided at hotels or restaurants during the tour.
  • It is your responsibility to have any inoculations that may be required for your intended destinations. You must advise ElitDMC of any allergies or other physical conditions which might affect you during the tour. We reserve the right to decline or accept any person as a member of the tour or to decline or retain any person if such person's physical condition, mental well-being or behaviour interferes with the operation of the tour. There will be no refund in such cases.

Client Exclusion and Local Law

  • Passengers agree to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries they travel. We will not be liable to any Clients who commit illegal or unlawful acts whilst on tour.


  • No employees or representatives of ElitDMC have any right to alter, vary or waive any of these terms and conditions, nor to undertake any liability whatsoever on behalf of ElitDMC, unless such be in writing and signed by the Managing Director of ElitDMC.
  • All contracts for bookings made with ElitDMC are governed by Turkish law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Turkish courts should any dispute arise between parties to this contract.