Elitdmc  provides “New Generation Integrated Communication Solutions” corporately, with an approach that integrates with today’s technology and makes the power of social media an indispensable part of events, beyond ordinary event projects. We offer the best and newest solutions for your brand and represent your brand with:


Corporate Events


  • Launch Organizations
  • Brand and Product Introduction Events
  • Special Curated Events for the Brand
  • Dealer Meetings
  • Roadshows
  • Concert Organizations

Internal Communication Events


  • Staff Motivation Events
  • Corporate Picnic Organizations
  • Establishment Anniversaries
  • Special Internal Organisations
  • Internal Surprises,


Exhibition Services


  • Exhibition stand production compatible with new generation technologies
  • Stand design and production specifically tailored to the brand
  • On-stand event services
  • Assistant services provided during the exhibition


Meeting Services


  • Venue and decoration services
  • Public relations services
  • Stage decoration and meeting area decoration services
  • Sound and lighting services (provided through our suppliers)
  • Reception and registration services
  • Valet services (provided through our suppliers)
  • Catering services (provided through our suppliers)
  • Assistant services
  • Video and photography services
  • Supplying speakers and performers tailored to the meeting’s content

We offer you the most special and exclusive “New Generation Event Solutions” that Elitdmc will prepare specifically for your brand. To benefit from our services, you can get information by contacting our “Customer Service Representative” who provides special service for you, by e-mailing us at “info@elitdmc.com”